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LNK Takes Responsibility for Economic Sustainability by Supporting Small and Medium Businesses

July 5, 2024


Aside from benefiting the Company, economic sustainability at PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo should also bring positive impacts on people around it. For that we’ve planned various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities involving small and medium enterprises, including ones we held last May.

Cooking demo and food photography for small-medium business owners in Mojosari

This event was a collaboration between LNK and the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs of Mojokerto Regency. The participants were small and medium business owners, especially in the F&B industry, residing near the Company’s factory in Mojosari, Mojokerto.

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Participants got to join various activities that were aimed at growing their respective businesses. One of which was a cooking demo that allowed participants to learn from our professional chef about what’s trending in the culinary industry. They could also learn how to create added values to their products with the right ingredients. Additionally, they’re taught basic food photography so they could attract customers through beautiful, mouthwatering visuals.

Workshop and factory tour at LNK

In the same month, we did a similar event with another community of small and medium business owners, this time with UMKM96. In partnership with Mercury Radio Surabaya, we held a cooking demo from which participants can get new inspirations for their own businesses.

As part of the event titled “Kolaborasi Mamin Paling Kreatif” (The Most Creative F&B Collabs), participants were also invited to a tour around LNK’s factory to see how our innovative products were manufactured.

How SMEs grow economy in Indonesia

LNK pays a lot of attention to Indonesian small and medium enterprises due to their important role for the country’s economic growth. These local businesses have so far made a 60% contribution to the growth of Indonesian economy and provided opportunities to 97% of Indonesian labors.

Besides, small and medium businesses make it possible for new innovations to come to fruition. This will lead to more creative business owners with competitive minds.

“Our sustainability initiatives are meant to create shared values through support for small and medium enterprises in many ways, including workshops to empower them and increase their skills,” said Corporate Brand Manager LNK Ikka Marissa Roberta about LNK’s contributions to Indonesian SMEs.

“Doing what we do, we hope small and medium businesses can run sustainably, continue to innovate, improve their quality, and provide benefits for more people,” she added.

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