Home / Awards / RINTEK Awards 2022: PT LNK Wins Again for Its Healthy Innovation, FiberCreme

RINTEK Awards 2022: PT LNK Wins Again for Its Healthy Innovation, FiberCreme

January 24, 2023

PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo (LNK) closed out the year 2022 with another achievement that can’t be taken lightly. For the second time, the Company won the RINTEK Award or Rintisan Teknologi Industri.

RINTEK itself is a national award given by the Ministry of Industry of Indonesia to local industries in support of innovations that they’ve independently developed. Through the innovation, each company is expected to make good contributions to the society.

LNK Earns RINTEK Award with FiberCreme

At LNK, the innovation was ignited by concerns related to poor diets adopted by many Indonesian and how they have led to various health issues. Multiple studies prove that unhealthy diets, including lack of fiber consumption, have a major role in causing a lot of non-communicable diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, hyperuricemia, obesity, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

However, fiber consumption by average adults is still very low. According to a research by an Indonesian organization in 2018, 95% of its citizen couldn’t even meet the recommended amount of 25-35 grams of fiber per day.

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That’s why LNK, which was established as a manufacturer of spray-dried ingredients, came up with innovation called FiberCreme, non-dairy creamer with high fiber content. The product was first introduced to the Indonesian market in 2017 as an alternative to dairy and coconut milk in various dishes or beverages.

Made of fiber source oligosaccharides extracted from cassava, FiberCreme is the first plant-based creamer in Indonesia that offers creamy taste and health benefits at the same time. As demand for healthy food alternatives increases, FiberCreme continues to fill the market with new variants like FiberCreme Vegan that is made with 100% plant-based ingredients and FiberCreme MCT that’s enriched with medium chain triglycerides beneficial for weight loss and other health conditions.

FiberCreme Also Supports National Economic Growth and the Environment

FiberCreme isn’t all about the creamy taste and health values. To produce this creamer, LNK uses 85-90% locally-sourced raw material which helps the growth of Indonesia’s economy. By doing so, FiberCreme also helps reduce carbon footprint and the effect of global warming.

What RINTEK Awards 2022 Are About

Having been given to selected companies in Indonesia since 2006, the RINTEK Awards event in 2022 was held following a selection process that involved 43 titles of innovations submitted to the organizers by 29 companies. By the end of the process, only 12 titles from 11 companies were deemed eligible for the awards.

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Submitting “Pangan Fungsional Plant-Based, Dairy-Free, dan Tinggi Serat Serta Penerapan pada Produk Makanan dan Minuman” (Functional Plant-Based, Dairy-Free and High-Fiber Ingredient and Its Applications to Food and Beverage), LNK scored a point of 94,00 to secure a second spot. It managed to become the only company focusing on the F&B business among 11 winners of RINTEK 2022.

Along with of other RINTEK winners, LNK’s representatives attended an award-giving ceremony at the Ministry of Industry Office in Jakarta on December 6, 2022. On behalf of Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, General Secretary Dody Widodo said he wished the awards would lead to “increased productivity and independence of Indonesian businesses.”

“RINTEK hopefully can motivate national business owners to create new innovations in their respective field of industry and continue aiming high,” he explained.

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