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Mikael Jasin Showcases His Barista Skills with FiberCreme

December 1, 2022

A few weekes ago, SIAL Interfood 2022 arrived in Indonesia, at JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta to be exact. If you happened to go to the event, you should remember that there were hundreds of local and international food manufacturers taking part to introduce their respective products. One of those participants was PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo that owns the brands fiberCreme and RichCreme. 

In attempt to bring awareness to these two brands, PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo treated SIAL Interfood 2022 visitors to several activities at their booth. The activities included Grand Cooking Demo segments that featured some prominent figures in the F&B industries as headliners. 

Mikael Jasin Served 3 Beverages to SIAL Interfood 2022 Visitors 

Mikael Jasin’s presence was one og the highlights from the event, which ran from November 9-12, 2022. The professional barista, also known as MJ, rose to fame for winning Indonesia Barista Championships in 2019 and 2020, and came out at the fourth place in the World Barista Championship 2019 in Milan. 

Taking over the LNK booth on the third day of SIAL Interfood 2022, MJ showed the crowd how to make Fiber Creamy Cherry, White Choco Matcha, and MJ’s Signature Beverage. The latter is the same drink he made for a competition in Boston. Except, this time he added FiberCreme as a dairy milk alternative. 

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First, MJ took the stage to show off his skills in mixing chocolate oatmilk, mango, and FiberCreme into a drink called Fiber Creamy Cherry. The combination may sound odd, but the audience who watched and tried the drink approved of its taste. 

The Complete Secret of MJ’s Signature Beverage 

Following up White Choco Matcha was the Signature Drink MJ was so proud of making. This drink was basically a mix of coffee and tea – but not just regular tea. Instead, it used dried flowers like honeysuckle, spinach flowers, lavender, and berry. FiberCreme was then added to bind all the ingredients together and smoothen the flavor. 

To make it, the dried flowers were first brewed. Then add fermented raspberry, blueberry, snake fruit, and mango into a cream whipper, a special flask used to turn liquid into cream with a help of nitrogen. Next, add FiberCreme that’s been dissolved in water and a bit of lemon juice, and let the cream whipper work. Meanwhile, mix the flower tea with coffee, and top with the cream from earlier. 

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Wondering how the drink tastes like? Visit the @FiberCreme Instagram page to hear the testimonials from visitors who got to try it. There, you can also find the accurate recipe if you want to try making the beverage yourself. 

Why Does MJ Choose FiberCreme? 

Dairy milk has been used a lot in drinks like coffee and tea. However, not everyone can consume dairy products like milk. Driven by his will to introduce tasty coffee and tea-based drinks, Mikael Jasin tries to go dairy-free by using non-dairy creamer FiberCreme. 

Made of cassava extract, FiberCreme contains no lactose so it’s safe for people with lactose intolerance. That isn’t all, as FiberCreme also contains high fiber that’s good for the gut. Additionally, it can be used as a healthier and more diet-friendly option for coconut milk in various traditional dishes or drinks. 

Ready to make a change with FiberCreme? Get tasty and healthy recipes of delicious goodness that can be made with this versatile creamer on the FiberCreme website and the @FiberCreme_TV Instagram page.

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