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June Roundup: Peduli Gizi Award and World Blood Donor Day Celebration

July 6, 2023

June marked the beginning of school holiday for most students in Indonesia. In welcoming the season of fun, PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo allowed its employees to loosen up a little bit by encouraging them to trade their uniform for holiday outfit.  But the shool holiday season wasn’t the only thing worth the celebration, as June also became a month in which a handful of special events took place at LNK. What are those events? Scroll to read and keep up with everything that happened last month!

Peduli Gizi Award 2023

Its dedication to creating innovative and healthy ingredients has earned PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo Peduli Gizi Award. The Company won the award through its retail brand FiberCreme, which has been marketed as high fiber, low sugar, lactose free, gluten free, and 0mg cholesterol food ingredient. 

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“Through FiberCreme, we hope we can make positive contributions to the improvement of nutrition and health in Indonesia. We will continue doing researches and making new innovations in the form of new quality products,” said Research & Development Manager PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo Rochmad Indrawanto of PT LNK’s latest achievement.

“Wear Your Holiday Outfit” Day

It’s that time of the year that working parents would take days off from work and spend time vacationing with their families. However, that’s not the case with employees who aren’t parents or whose children haven’t gone to school yet. 

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To those LNK employees who didn’t get to experience a school holiday vacation, they could still have some fun at work during the “Wear Your Holiday Outfit” day. On that particular day, everyone was encouraged to trade their usual uniform with any outfit they would want to wear for a holiday trip. As expected, beach came out as one of the most popular theme for the special occasion, with floral tops, wide brimmed hats, shades, and colorful purses being seen in nearly every corner of the Company’s offices in Mojosari and Driyorejo.

Blood Donation Event for World Blood Donor Day

June 14 is commemorated each year as World Blood Donor Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) set “Give Blood, Give Plasma, Share Life, Share Often” as a slogan for its campaign this year, in a bid to raise awareness on the role every single person can play to help patients requiring life-long transfusion support. 

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To celebrate the important day and spread the message, PT LNK held a blood donation event at it’s Mojosari office with its eligible employees as donors. Aside from taking part in the World Blood Donor Day and humane reasons, they also donated their blood to get various health benefits like lower blood pressure, lower risk of heart attack, and lower cholesterol.

First Aid Workshop for Employees

Accidents can happen anywhere and anytime, including during work hour at the workplace. That’s why PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo considers it important for its employees to learn basic life support, so they can remain calm and be an actual help when someone around them is injured.  In order for the employees to learn the basic skills, PT LNK teamed up with Kartini Hospital in Mojokerto to hold a first aid training. Everyone at PT LNK’s Driyorejo office participated and learned how to do basic heart-lung resuscitation, care for open wounds and burn, as well as treat victims with possible fracture. 

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