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September Roundup: Empowerment and Reinforcement

October 9, 2023

With only three months remaining in the year 2023, PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo is gearing up for a new year that’s been predicted to be more challenging. Throughout September, the Company prepared itself as it looked forward to increasing its domestic market share and expanding its presence in the international market. 

In between programs held to empower its employees, the Company didn’t forget to empower its surrounding through a Corporate Social Responsibility activity and a regular blood donation. Find out details on what the Company’s up to on this article below! 

Support for Vegetarians to live a healthier lifestyle in a more fun way 

Vegan and Vegetarian Fest

In welcoming World Vegetarian Day, FiberCreme which is owned by PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo partnered with its brand ambassador William Wongso as well as Hero Supermarket for a vegetarian-friendly cooking demo in Jakarta earlier in September.  

READ ALSO: What is Non Dairy Creamer: Made of, Types, Uses, and 15 FAQs

In addition to helping raise awareness of the health benefits of vegetarianism, the event also highlighted the use of FiberCreme in vegetarian diet. As a plant-based ingredient with creamy and delicious taste, the product can replace dairy milk in various recipes, so vegetarians can still have fun with their food while continuing to maintain their health. 

Invite for FIA Thailand audience to indulge in tasty and healthy ingredients by LNK 

Food Ingredients Asia

PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo once again participated in the Food Ingredients Asia. This time, the exhibition took place in Bangkok, Thailand from September 20 to 23. 

During the event, LNK proudly displayed and introduced some of its best-sellers. Some of them are FiberCreme which has been marketed as tasty and healthy multi-purpose food ingredient, as well as RichCreme Whip Creme Powder that supports all bakers or dessert lovers out there with low sugar and convenient whipping cream product. 

Regular blood donation in September 

Regular Blood Donation

PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo has been working with Indonesian Red Cross in ensuring its employees’ health and safety. For their latest partnership, the Company and Indonesian Red Cross in Mojokerto held their regular blood donation event with LNK’s employees as participants. 

The blood donation event wasn’t just LNK’s way of helping save other people’s lives. It’s also the Company’s attempt to keep their employees stay healthy, as donating blood is proven to have many health benefits, such as reducing risk of heart diseases, reduce cancer risk, and early detection of other life-threatening illnesses. 

READ ALSO: How Fiber Affects Cholesterol and Prevents Heart Diseases

Donation of street vendor carts as part of the Company’s regular CSR program 

Empower Local Residents as CSR

As part of PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo’s commitment to contribute to its surrounding, it recently held its regular Corporate Social Responsibility program. A rep for the Company handed out street vendor carts to several residents of Mojokerto. These carts hopefully could help the residents to earn more income and thus improve their welfare.  

Energy management training as a means to improve energy efficiency and sustainability 

Empower Employees with ISO 50001 Training

PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo adheres to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is a global agenda to end poverty, improve welfare, and save the planet by the year 2030. To achieve the goals, the Company has started to implement some strategies including ones to increase energy efficiency. 

READ ALSO: Making Indonesia 4.0: PT LNK Ready for Advanced Technology to Win Global Competition

To help give a better understanding on energy efficiency practices, the Company recently had related employees as participants of an Energy Management Training.  

In addition to benefiting the earth, the implementation of energy efficiency principles is also expected to help the Company save more by cutting unnecessary cost. 

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