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FiberCreme Wins Two Awards at the ICMA

January 14, 2021

Three years after its launch, FiberCreme shows no sign of slowing down. Recently, it even took home two achievements from Indonesian Content Marketing Awards 2020. Those awards were The Best Content Marketing Implementation in Food Category and The Best Influencer Marketing Campaign in Private Sector Category. Both accomplishments came after a long selection process that included submission, performance assessment, and content assessment, all of which were done by independent judges. 

Indonesia Content Marketing Awards (ICMAs) itself was a prestigious annual event held by Grid story Factory and Grid Voice, content marketing and influencer marketing agency under the Kompas Gramedia Group. They event was a way to show appreciation and a tool to measure the effectiveness of marketing strategies implemented by certain brands or institutions from Indonesia. 

FiberCreme as a brand owed its assessment results to their commitment and consistency in implementing the content marketing strategies. Not only did they create content for their website or social media pages, the marketing team of PT Lautan natural Krimerindo that owns FiberCreme also set the bar pretty high when it comes to the content’s quality, visual appearance, as well as engagement performance. These standards were definitely put into consideration during the assessment, resulting in the two aforementioned awards. 

Windrati, the Marketing Manager of PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo, said of the achievements, “As part of our attempt to increase engagement with all loyal FiberCreme users, we’ve been optimizing our marketing strategies and adding more marketing content in our various platforms and other digital assets.” 

Windrati went on to explain that the content marketing stategies implemented should also involve active participations from customers, cducational content, and the presence of events that could lead to high-quality content. Additionally, the marketing team of PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo also played role by ensuring the visual aesthetic of every content to be uploaded to website or any FiberCreme social media pages. 

The content marketing implemented by PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo, be it done offline or online, doesn’t only serve as a one-way promotional tool to promote FiberCreme. Through the content, PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo also encourages people of all generation and social status to adopt the healthy lifestule. By campaigning #EnakBisaSehat, PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo tries to convey the message that everyone can indulge in tasty food and still be healthy with FiberCreme, multi-purpose creamer that replaces regular coconut and dairy milk. Boasting high fiber, low sugar, zero mg cholesterol, no trans fat, no gluten, and low glycemic indeks, FiberCreme is also a friendly food ingredient for people on a diet, or those with certain health conditions such as hypercholesterol, GERD, diabetes, rheumatism, and gout. 

After receving the honors from the ICMAs 2020, Windrati made sure that FiberCreme would continue to deliver better content in the future. “After the two awards from the ICMAs 2020, of course we’re encouraged to be better. You can expect better service from us as well as better, more informative, and more educational content after this,” she said. “We’re also looking forward to involving more customer participation in the content marketing we’re implementing in order to bring FiberCreme closer to our customers’ hearts.” 

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