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December Roundup: A Step Closer to Creating Green Business 

January 5, 2024

At PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo, December is not about closing a chapter of life. Instead, December is a month to reflect on everything that happened in the past 12 months. December is also a month for everyone to gear up for new opportunities that the new year will bring.  

Losing track on the things that we were up to throughout December? Here’s an article to remind you of some! To keep up with our activities, click this link too and follow us on Instagram and Linked In! 

LNK received Paramakarya Award for increased productivity 

PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo added another accolade to its growing list of achievements. The Company was named one of the recipients of Paramakarya Award during the 2023 Naker Awards hosted by Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Indonesia in early December. 

The award itself was given to Indonesian companies that were considered successful in implementing productivity concepts in all aspects of their businesses. And PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo is extremely honored to receive the recognition as it serves as proof that the Company has managed to recover well from the COVID-19 pandemic that affected global economy. 

Mojokerto Government handed Peka Kelola Award for Environmental Resources Management 

In doing its business, PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo always tries to keep it friendly to the environment. For that, Mojokerto Regent Ikfina Fahmawati in December awarded the Company with Peka Kelola.

LNK hopes the achievement inspires other businesses to comply with green manufacturing and green business principles. So there hopefully will be more companies that keep the sustainability of their business and the environment.

LNK gave STIC-CEGIR reps insight on the Company’s commitment to green manufacturing 

Science and Technology Innovation Center for Circular Economy and Green Innovative Resources (STIC-CEGIR) recently visited PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo’s factory in Mojokerto. Representatives for the institution took a tour around a factory tour to ensure the Company had complied with the regulations regarding management of waste to create an environmentally friendly business.  

To those unfamiliar with STIC-CEGIR, it is partnership program between National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) with Surabaya’s Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Widya Mandala Catholic University (UKWMS), and Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI). The institution is looking to work with Indonesian industries to minimize waste and engage in cleaner production. 

LNK’s QCC and Kaizen Blitz teams won big at LTL’s LIFE event 

Each year PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo holds Quality Control Circle (QCC) and Kaizen Blitz convention, For it, the Company encouraged its employee to identify and solve work-related problems they’re facing. This year, the winners of the said convention also advanced to the Improvement Forum & Experiece (LIFE) event held in early December by LNK’s parent company Lautan Luas Tbk. 

Pitted against other QCC and Kaizen Blitz teams from Lautan Luas Group, LNK’s Marketing and Finance teams managed to perform well. They ended up taking home the biggest prizes as first and third winners respectively. Meanwhile, LNK’s Quality Control team member won the Kaizen Blitz. 

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